polelateaz on demand
This page contains videos for conditioning, pole choreography, floorplay choreography, SEXIFY routine, and music playlists. Make sure to scroll all the way to the bottom of the page!
warm up
Please make sure to warm up before attempting any of the videos. We have provided our moving mediation warm up to get you started. If you still feel not warm enough please do additional exercises to prepare your body for your needs
Videos in this section include:
*How to do a proper high plank
*Hover/low plank
*Ab series
*Wrist/forearm strengthening
*Arm strengthening routines
*Hamstring strengthening
*Overall Body Conditioning
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floorplay routines
Work the floor like a pro!
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**Hit the arrow button to see next video or hit the down arrow to view all videos that are in this album**
Pick your flavor! We have created various playlists of different genres to teaz your ears!
*Moving Meditation Warm Up
*Slow & Sexy
*Upbeat Conditioning
*Rock It Out