Training Tips & Tricks: Why Crosstrain?


Cross-training is a great way to condition different muscle groups, develop a new set of skills, decrease injuries, and reduce the boredom that creeps in after months of the same exercise routines. We are very fortunate at PoleLaTeaz to have multiples apparatuses and fitness classes to achieve this. Here are our top reasons to cross train!


Did someone say muscles? When you cross train your muscles develop very nicely! Pole & Lyra? Lyra & Sling? Sling & Pole? You're using similar muscles for all of these art forms, but in a different way - which means that you're going to get much stronger, faster! We also offer barre bootcamp and conditioning classes which can whip you into shape and help you to achieve those trick goals. Remember that we are lifting our own body weight. So if you are struggling with that ,weight lifting (with dumbells) can really take your skills to the next level.Its really hard to see results by coming into the studio once a week. We highly recommend coming to the studio at least 2 times a week.


Lyra, Pole and Aerial sling require you to move your body in different ways. As a result, your body awareness increases and your flow between movements becomes more controlled and fluid. It's also super cool to see how we can incorporate movements across all of the disciplines, as variations of moves tend to appear and your body will recognize the familiarities.


The best part about Cross Training is the fact that you can wear different outfits and have different accessories for both! Who doesn’t want more outfits? LOL. Are you sweaty on pole? Lyra and sling are great options because you can wear fun leggings and catsuits. Love those kinky booty shorts? Then try them on the pole because that outfit choice is not comfy on lyra or sling.


Learning routines and technique in classes is definitely food for our Brains. Experimenting with new disciplines not only exercises our body, but also our minds. It will improve memory (think about all the new 'names' you'll have to remember!) and also allow you to be more aware in class as you'll constantly be trying to compare the disciplines together.


Think about all the amazing women that you have met since starting classes, and how you train together in open pole/open lyra, series, etc…? By Cross Training, your world is being opened up to EVEN MORE AERIAL FRIENDS! This means more people to connect with that share the same passion.


If you have a membership all these classes are included ! Get the most bang for your buck. So why not cross train? Take advantage of everything we have to offer and watch your aerial skills SOAR!

Angela Edwards